Common Types of Harassments at Workplaces in Connecticut
In today’s society, countless types of harassment take place in the workplace. The most common types of harassment at workplaces in Connecticut include sexual and racial harassment, nonsexual and racial harassment, and sexual orientation and gender identity harassment. These harassing behaviors can cause a feeling of powerlessness, apprehension, shame, and other mental destabilization. They can also result in serious medical problems such as depression or anxiety disorders.
There are some major differences between work and personal life, but those differences can still result in some major difficulties. One such difficulty is the problem of harassment at the workplace. Harassment is a serious matter that can have negative effects on both the victim and the perpetrator. Connecticut law has put in place several provisions to protect employees from harassment. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consult Connecticut employment lawyers and legally move against harassment at workplaces.
Let us now see the most common types of harassment reported at workplaces in Connecticut.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is an issue that is rampant in Connecticut workplaces. They fall under the category of unlawful discrimination. It can take various forms, including touching, suggestive comments, jokes about gender, and more. These actions are intended to intimidate, offend or humiliate employees or job applicants.
Racial harassment
Racial harassment is a type of harassment that happens in the workplace and is not only discriminatory but also illegal. It often occurs when an employee belongs to a racial minority, and their employer uses racial slurs to refer to them or jokes about stereotypes related to their race or culture. This can be emotionally distressing for the victim because this type of harassment may happen on a daily basis and might not stop even after complaints have been filed.
Disability harassment
Disability harassment includes offensive or derogatory remarks about a person’s disability or past occurrences with disabilities. In Connecticut, harassment against people with disabilities has been seen in many workplaces, including restaurants, movie theaters, retail stores, and government agencies. In the United States alone, more than 30% of people with disabilities have reported that they have been victims of some form of harassment.
Sexual orientation and gender identity harassment
Sexual orientation and gender identity harassment are often overlooked in the workplace, but they are important to discuss. Both types of harassment happen at workplaces in Connecticut. Sexual orientation harassment is hard to define due to its subjective nature, but it can range from verbal or physical assault to job-related threats, for example. Gender identity harassment is more easily defined as it involves sexual orientation harassment based on one’s expression of their gender identity.