thoptvapk | thop tv .apk | The Characteristics of a THOP

The word THOP means “house of prayer” and is most commonly used to punish stupid behavior. However, this type of punishment can be just as damaging as it is constructive. If you are unsure of what thop is, here are some things you should know about the meaning of thop. Also, consider the following: When using thop, make sure to follow the rules of the house. For example, if you use it when you are angry or impatient, make sure to stay calm.
The first part of THOP stands for “not judgmental.” A THOP person is very artistic and can find great financial reward through creativity. They are also sensitive, so they prefer to spend their money on things that enhance their abilities. THOP people tend to be conservative about their sexual lives, and they should be careful with anyone who makes judgments about them. Generally, though, they do not hold any sexual hang-ups and are quite generous once committed.
While the last part of the name THOP means “not judgmental”, it is indicative of artistic ability. The P in THOP denotes practical ability, which can be lucrative. These types of individuals also demand good looks, as critics can damage their reputations. Lastly, THOP people are often cautious when it comes to sexual activity, and should be wary of the wrong partners. So, what are the characteristics of a THOP?